Friday 27 November 2009

Avi Buffalo

Like a teenaged hippy/geeky version of Beachwood Sparks or Band of Horses that happen to be obsessed with trying to get with the cool chick at the funfair (thank you Kristen Stewart and Adventureland for that laboured point), Avi Buffalo are bringing the summer back just in time for the dark winter months. Check out the divine - and slightly drunken sounding - choir during the marvellous 'What's In It For?'

I'd say watch out for them in 2010, but I'm no good at predicting this sort of thing. Just enjoy the quasi-philosophising for now. While world domination awaits Avi Buffalo, I'm off to play on the dodgems.

(Title Track)

Before going on, I feel I should explain where the title of the blog comes from.....

The first single by Gomez (remember then?) was titled '78 Stone Wobble', and so the rest should be obvious. I've always wanted to open a record store, and this was going to be the name at some point - obviously with the advent of MP3s and filesharing it doesn't really seem like a viable business option any more...but I felt that I should use the name in some way. So there you go.

By the way, 'Bring It On' by Gomez was a great album but they, like others before and after, suffered from the curse of the Mercury Music Prize and became utterly rubbish afterwards. See also: Roni Size, Pulp, Badly Drawn Boy, Suede.

Before anyone asks, M People were already rubbish.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Opening Gambit - Parenthesis


I don't know what this blog will turn out to be, but I guess I might be expressing my thoughts about music (mostly) and maybe other bits and pieces that spring to mind. You can expect (possibly) reviews of singles, albums, gigs... and the over use of these little fellas ( ) and too many lists.

So, by way of filling up this opening post with something, here are five songs that appeared on my iPod on a dark walk to work today:

Mistaken For Strangers - The National
At Dawn - My Morning Jacket
Tack Ska Ni Ha - Dungen
I Shall Skip Your Judgement - Le Volume Courbe
Winter In - Gene Clark.

It was a cold, cold morning. I just noticed the appropriate title of the MMJ song, but i get the feeling that I was up before the dawn.

Anyway, that's all for now. Please bear with me as i take my first steps in the blogoworld.
