Wednesday 30 May 2012

A great big roundup of stuff

Alright. How've you been? Me, I've been grand. Busy, but grand.

There's been a month of radio silence at 78sDW Towers (not so much if you follow me on Twitter) and that's due to paid work overtaking this silly wee folly of mine. Still, I'm back now you lucky people and you can find out what's been happening by reading on....

I've started writing for the mighty fine The 405, doing the usual reviews stuff, and you can read the first fruits of this venture by taking a squizz at my reviews for S.Carey's Hoyas EP and the debut album from Soren Andreasen, Barefoot Memories.

Back over at my first and true love The Line of Best Fit it's been the usual busy time with an email interview with Canadian surf-poppers Hooded Fang first up, closely followed by a cup of tea and a chat with one of my musical heroes and Teenage Fanclub member Gerard Love about his new Lightships project.

Over in the reviews department, I've taken a close look at the mighty fine Glitter by Dead Mellotron, the promising-if-derivative debut from Citizens! titled Here We Are and the beautiful new album from Marissa Nadler, The Sister.

And if that's not enough for you, then coming up are reviews from The Mynabirds, Visions of Trees, Guided By Voices, Blues Control, Sonny and the Sunsets and Mission of Burma.... and interviews with Dinowalrus and O Children.

Phew. See you all real soon.

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